When you develop and present the narrative of your amazing career story, either in written form, or over a yet to be legal BBQ gatherings, or in a yet to be legal elevator at a return to work scenario, or on a safe social distancing teleconference call, you need to make sure that it is a story that is clear, concise and compelling.
“If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written a Shorter Letter” a quote that highlights the importance of brevity and editing in our writing. The earliest recorded use of this quote comes from French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal in 1657.
“Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.”
Apparently, (and I really only just passed year 8 French at school) this translates to “I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.” Therefore, less is more, but more work is required to get less.
You need to develop a comfort in telling stories about how amazing you are, that ultimately build curiosity and connection with your audience. The story you tell about your career must have a great yet simple structure. This looks like a curious beginning, a compelling middle and an impactful end. Like any great story, set the scene of your history, starting with the context, then towards a rising action – what were the obstacles you overcame, then a climax – outlining your achievements, followed by the falling action – the outcome you achieved and then the impactful conclusion – your call to action and what next.
context – rising action – climax – falling action – conclusion
Writing a hundred words probably requires more mental effort than writing a thousand, particularly when you want it to be meaningful. Your choice of the language you use, will also help you stand out from your competitors. Make it clear, make it concise and make it compelling.
Recognise that, the traces of your past shape the narrative of your future and your past is your biggest asset. It’s yours to use as you see fit.
Need some help writing your narrative around your career to date? Contact me at james@yellowboxcareers.com.au or check the webpage at yellowboxcareers.com.au