Does all your market (career telling) collateral tell a story that has impact?

When we want someone to know us, we share stories of our childhoods, our families, our school years, our first loves, the development of our political views, and so on.

These are simple and personal anecdotes, and they are really powerful. They are the way that we connect and allow for greater intimacy in our relationships. 

So, what is an anecdote and how can they be used to build connection?

An anecdote is a brief, revealing account of an individual person or an incident: “a story with a point,” such as to communicate an abstract idea about a person, place, or thing through the concrete details of a short narrative or to characterize by delineating a specific quirk or trait.

Anecdotes serve to incite interest and to illustrate a point. … An anecdote is something that happens; a story has a structure that makes it memorable and provides a depth of meaning.  They will enhance your level of curiosity, speed up your ability to connect and enhance your credibility.

So, if you are trying to build curiosity within your audience, trying to articulate your value proposition or trying to connect with the listener, you need anecdotes that will engage.   

Try this as a strategy. Start your response to a question with a small personal story that relates to the question. Follow up with the point that you want to make and talk about how that relates to the question being asked. 

My strategies for dealing with conflict started when I was very young. I was taught ……

I believe that conflict resolution is enhanced when we build strong relationships ……

When I have to deal with difficult situations, I focus on ……

Is your cover letter, your resume, and or your other social media profiles telling a congruent career story that builds curiosity and connection with your intended audience?  As a result of reading through these, am I compelled to do something? Am I curious enough to read on and ultimately have a conversation with you?

Without an interesting and relevant story, there is no meaningful context, no promise of a third act in which achieving a goal (getting a job, for instance) would help you and others achieve their aspirations.

For further exploration or a chat, contact us at