There is a beautiful reflective short story from Dr. Suess published in 1990, the year I finished school. The book Oh, the Places You’ll Go, concerns the journey of life and its challenges.Just over 12 months ago, I started an amazing journey sharing and listening to courageous people all around Australia, who have a lived experience of suicide.With my vast experience of working with people in a human resources capacity for close to 20 years, the work I also do in career transition and coaching (at Yellow Box Careers) it only seemed fitting that I continue this work (another book in my library) as a lead facilitator with the incredibly valuable organisation, Roses in the Ocean.
Roses in the Ocean is a leading lived experience of suicide organisation, providing a critical national leadership, advocacy and policy, advisory, and workforce development role throughout Australia. The organisation was founded on, and operates through the lens of lived experience of suicide.
Roses in the Ocean exists to save lives and reduce emotional pain.
Like the Dr Suess book, Roses in the Ocean has a dream, its dream is for all people with a lived experience of suicide, to feel confident accessing a range of services and scaffolding which will empower people with a lived experience of suicide, towards recovery in a timely, respectful and compassionate manner.
In my over 12-month journey, I have travelled to so many different places, met so many different people and walked, for a brief time in the shoes, of so many different people sharing their stories of hope, courage and gifts. Sometimes these well-crafted, insightful and amazing stories are told for the very first time and with supportive facilitation, delivered with an intentional impact and a call to action for the audience and communities, they will be shared with.
As we are grounded for a while, in unprecedented times across the globe, uncertain as to how long for, we have further opportunity to reflect on the work we do and for me what the past 12 months has enriched me with. Dominic Coenso, English Actor and communications expert, said, “the traces of our past, shape the narrative of our future.” What an amazing journey with amazing people.
Stay safe, stay clean and stay connected and Oh, the places you’ll go!
James Gallacher – April 2020 #yellowboxcareers #rosesintheocean