Introducing YellowBox Careers


Welcome to our YellowBox Careers – Get That Next Role – online learning experience. 

YellowBox Careers has established a modern, cool and progressive process to your career transition, your career management, executive coaching and your individual performance development.  

Your Voice. Your Story. Your Career.

YellowBox Careers

Our online development program

  • is progressive, challenging and inspirational;
  • it will support you in breaking through into new ways of thinking (analysing and reflecting) and working;
  • it uses content that is cool, contemporary, stimulating and experimental; and 
  • it will build self confidence, positive self concepts and self awareness as to what it takes to share your amazingness and be successful (in the workplace and maybe even outside it).

At YellowBox Careers, we know that every career decision is important and potentially life changing. Working through our online products, will prove to be a winning decision, leading to:

  • a greater confidence in the ‘Power of ME’ and what I bring to an employer;
  • a better understanding of my career inhibitors and how to overcome them and build a resilient and successful career;
  • further clarity about the things that make me unique, talented and desirable and how to effectively communicate them; and
  • improved ability to motivate, influence and convince others.

A little bit about us

We started a few years ago, with a belief that the way that we supported people through transition needed to change. We felt that there needed to be fresh perspectives and alternative ways that we helped people to find a competitive advantage, when they really needed it. However, there were other motivations as well. 

See one of our many Cafe Catchup video blogs that describes YellowBox Careers. 

Supporting mental health & suicide prevention

At YellowBox Careers, we are passionate about mental health and suicide prevention within our communities and the impact that it has on the work environment. We also recognise the impact that career choices can have on our mental health and our capacity to perform within the workplace.

As the lead organisation for lived experience of suicide in Australia, Roses in the Ocean are focussed on building a safe, trained and supported Lived Experience “Workforce” with the expertise and skills needed to bring the lived experience as a voice of change in all aspects of suicide prevention.

Both Layne and James are lived experience program facilitators/trainers with Roses in the Ocean. 

So that’s a bit about us, let’s now jump into the program.