The Interview

So you made it to the interview and that in itself is an achievement. It means that you are one of the few that have positioned yourself well enough to get to the table. By association, this also means a few other things that are important.

Positivity effect – If you have followed the YBC process, then the interviewer should be feeling good about your prospects for meeting their need. We know that the positivity effect is set up to enable you to capitalise on positive initial impressions, and this should flow into and through the interview process.

Curiosity – They are feeling a sense of curiosity about you and want to know more about your history and how you might help them with the issues that they are experiencing. Developing great stories will assist in this regard.

Connection – They have responded to the messages around character and competence, feeling that they have already had the opportunity to learn a little about you.

Credibility – They see your background and history as being aligned with the organisation and the role.

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