Resume – Gathering Content

QuestionHow is it possible to tell an amazing and compelling story, if I don’t know the words to use? What happens if my self reflection doesn’t translate to communication, when I’m under pressure? What if I have so much to say, that I end up saying all the wrong things? Where do I go, to get insight into my attributes, character, personality or gifts? 

If you want to build a sense of curiosity, well you better have something engaging to talk about. If you want to write an amazing story, then it helps to have a deep understanding of the subject area. In this case, that’s you. You need to reach into reflection and self awareness and get to know yourself in a more complete manner. You need insight into how to express certain things about your value proposition and to discover the words to use, in order to express yourself in a more professional and compelling manner.

Helpful Checklists

Self-reflection is uncomfortable, but much like exercising, it offers countless benefits, and actually becomes easier and enjoyable the more we do it.

Gathering the right kind of information will assist in the development of self-awareness, knowledge and ultimately translate into more impactful and authentic story. If we don’t spend time looking at ourselves and reflecting on what we do, how we do it and how translates into behaviour, then is it possible to do our story justice? Instead, what we are left with is an incomplete picture and a dialogue that doesn’t go to the heart of what makes me amazing … in just a few areas. The following tools might help you to explore you in greater detail: An understanding of my Transferable Skills.pdf will help me to realise what it is that I bring from role to role and some of the areas that I might need to highlight. Some of the Personal Skills.pdf in this little assessment help me to understand how I go about doing things and what it is that I place importance on. Maybe I struggle to find the words to describe me or the way that I would like to portray what I do. This list of Action Words.pdf might really help. Ultimately, we bring energy to the things that we love and these are closely aligned with our values. What do I love?.pdf and see how that shapes the way that you communicate the best version of you. 

Sometimes it’s great to know if I have a particular style of doing things. In Conflict Styles.pdf we get to see how we manage relationships and what the strengths are that I bring to dealing with complex situations. 

Similarly, understanding the strengths of my Communication Styles.pdf helps me to understand more intimately how I relate to others and how to express these gifts. This comprehensive list give an insight into my Work Personality.pdf. There might be a lot of clues in here into the things that are important to you and your philosophy to work and relationships. 

What are your character traits and how do they influence your behaviour? Having a clear picture as to the way these strengths are used, can be an clear advantage.

Understanding your Motivations.pdf helps you to understand why you respond to situations, in a particular way.

How you do things is more important than what you do.

Target“Self awareness is not just relaxation and not just meditation. It must combine relaxation with activity and dynamism. Technology can aid that.” (Deepak Chopra, American Indian Author)ActionSpend some valuable time on the helpful checklists attached. You may have already thought of these and may have already completed some of them. Have a look at outcomes from other tools you might have used at work or speak with others about your gifts and personal style. 

The more that you know about yourself, the more concise and insightful the messaging. We have to be prepared to gather the data, before we shape the story and a failure to do so, just results in a compromised version, one that will fail to get the desired results. Spend time understanding self, establishes a confidence in who I am and what I have to offer.

Cool Stuff

Transferable skills –

What’s next?

A lot of people are going to tell you that a resume needs to be this or that, but the simple position is, that it needs to encourage further conversation, tell your story in concise terms, cover the information that you need to cover and tell the story that needs to be told, the one that you want to tell. Let’s have a look at what an ideal resume might look like for you.