LinkedIn Nudge factors

There are a number of new areas or sections in LinkedIn that are not covered in a cover letter or your resume. Your recommendations have the power to create a significant positivity effect, leading to a greater chance of leverage throughout the process.  Assess the importance of a photo on establishing a perception about you .. rightly or wrongly. Generate endorsements in areas that are aligned to your market positioning and your potential connections. 

Nudge 1 – Boost Your Recommendations

When asking for recommendations, kindly remind them of your connection, history or passions and highlight your abilities.  Always remember to make it personal. This is the recruiters go-to-space to find out what you are like as a person. It is like making a referee call without the call! Recommendations from previous hires, colleagues and clients is one of the most frequently viewed areas on a LinkedIn profile.

Good recommendations can boost the positivity effect.

Think of your recommendations received as social proof – a bit like a review on TripAdvisor! So, what happens when you read a bad TripAdvisor review?

ActionYou should be aiming to have about 10-15 recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Reach out to a bunch of colleagues and ask them to write a recommendation for you. Give them an indication as to the areas you would like them to focus on and what you might like them to say. Choose people from different roles, companies, suppliers and one or two that might be personal.

Nudge 2 – Gather Your Endorsements

Too many people just accept the endorsements of others, without regard as to whether they are appropriate and whether they are consistent with the brand being crafted. Only accept skills and endorsements that work for you. It is an underestimated and under-utilised section, that is a valuable demonstration of what you are likely to bring a new employer. What are others saying about your skills? What do people value about the way that you work? 12-15 is all you need and make sure that there is not an overlap of skills. Choose the skills yourself and remove the ones that you don’t want associated with your ‘market development’ strategy.

Nudge 3 – Get Active

One of the best ways to remind people as to who you are and how talented you are, is to get active on LinkedIn. If nothing else, it reminds people that you are around and worth a conversation about that next role. Be active on this platform, like or share posts, join relevant groups and do so on a regular basis.

The more you use it, the more valuable it becomes.

Find ways of getting in front of key people.

Nudge 4 – Choose a Great Photo

Put your best face forward. You are a human not an avatar, add a photo! A professional headshot…gets 14 times more visits & 36 times more chances to receive a message.  This might seem simple but can go so wrong.  My philosophy on the photo is don’t let it embarrass your grandma!  
Another tip is don’t do the selfie-thing, look into the camera and if you are wanting that model look over the shoulder, make sure you turn towards the right where your content is.  If you turn to the left it gives an impression you don’t believe in your content.  Maybe even practice some facial expressions and see which best suits for contacts and potential employers.

  • Take a headshot 60% of space.
  • Make sure the photo is up to date.
  • Choose the right expression.
  • Wear usual attire.
  • Make sure photo straight on.
  • Don’t take selfies. Look approachable.
  • Don’t crop a group picture.
  • Don’t have distracting background.
  • Don’t have hobbies in photo.
  • Don’t use filters.
  • Don’t embarrass your grandma!

Your LinkedIn profile needs to be treated as a seperate branding exercise and there are distinct areas of your profile that you won’t see on a resume. A photograph creates perceptions and reading what other people endorse and recommend you for creates a positive impression that compliments an amazing resume. If you are planning to build a LinkedIn profile, make sure that you leverage relationships and associated communication to support your positioning. 

Additional information

LinkedIn-Guide March 2012 (2).pdf
How to use LinkedIn to your advantage –

5 hacks to get the most of LinkedIn groups –

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