In 1964 when Bob Dylan wrote the immortal words, “You better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a changin”, he could never have imagined just how big the change was going to be. Life is transitory, as are ideas and ways of doing things. The reality is that we are creatures of habit and we don’t like to change .. unless it’s necessary. Sometimes the things that brought us initial success are no longer working, because the forces within which it operated have shifted. If you think everything that has helped you get ahead in your career in the past will definitely work again for you, we will help you think some more.
If you are no longer agile and evolving in your approaches you may be stuck in the past and there is a price to pay for stagnating. You will need fresh thinking where new insights are created from re- testing old ones and connecting them with new approaches. And having some fresh ideas isn’t all you need, they need to be real, hold water, market ready, market tested and robust – we can help you road test them.
If you aren’t visibly excited and positive, why should anyone else be?
The Yellow Box approach takes on the learning of the last 15 years and has re-imagined what coaching needs to be in the VUCA world. This combination of progressing and innovative ideas and models has delivered amazing results for people right across the country, who are now discovering that a new way of viewing and positioning themselves is having extraordinary results.
Traditional approaches are no longer fit for purpose and leave the unsuspecting participants with too many knowledge gaps and a feeling of emotional disharmony. They will not deliver what is needed in today’s world of speed, complexity and emotionality. They are typically arduous and unfit to have impact beyond some basics. Individual coaching has its place but working as a group has the ability to establish lifelong networks, emotional support and a challenging environment that brings out your best.
All large outplacement businesses in Australia are still using tired methodologies that were created 25-30 years ago. We need to better than that in this competitive and VUCA world or we will indeed sink like a stone. The Yellow Box approach is both disruptive and stimulating, just the tonic for a world where we need a new way of thinking and a new way of working.
Watch this space as things are changing.
Tim Draffen – Career Workshop Facilitator